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Governor Recruitment

Are you interested in supporting Catholic education?

Being a school governor is a rewarding experience. As a school governor, you give back and make a difference to the young people in your school.  It’s a big responsibility, but you will know that you are having an impact on the pupils in the school, supporting them in their educational journey.

Benefits of being a Governor

There are many benefits to being a school Governor.  You will gain a variety of skills that may be transferable to your career. For example:

  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Negotiation
  • Problem-solving
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Decision making

The role of a school Governor is a voluntary, unpaid role (Governors are able to claim reasonable expenses).

We are looking for Foundation Governors to join our Trust.  The main role of the Local Governing Body (LGB) is to operate at a strategic level, ensuring that the Catholic vision and character of the school is upheld, holding the Headteacher and leadership team to account and overseeing the financial performance of the school. Governors are involved in the recruitment of teaching and senior leadership staff. 

Foundation Governors

Foundation Governors play an important part in maintaining and developing the Catholic character of schools.  Each Local Governing Body (LGB) has five Foundation Governors and they always have to outnumber all other categories of Governor by two so as to ensure the preservation and development of the Catholic character of the school.

Interested persons must complete an application form for consideration by the Bishop who makes these appointments.

Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese under the Instrument of Government and for the purpose of securing:-

  • that the school’s character (including religious character) is preserved and developed; and
  • where the school has a foundation, that the school is conducted in accordance with the foundation’s governing documents.

Foundation Governors are required to be a practising Catholic.

General skills and qualities

The following are the kinds of qualities and skills which are desirable in a Governor:


  •  Confidence in own ability to do the job, to play a full role
  •   Humility – willingness to seek further training and improve skills
  •   Cooperativeness – desire to work as a member of a team
  •   Openness – to innovation, criticism
  •   Commitment to see the school as part of the broader community and of the community of schools


  • Observation – for example, internal and external perception of school’s progress, ethos of the school, state of buildings
  • Asking appropriate and searching questions at Governors’ meetings
  • Taking an active, informed part in meetings
  • Interviewing – participate in appointments, listen effectively and evaluate evidence
  • Visiting the school well prepared and with purpose
  • Using the appropriate and proper channels of communication

Some further considerations in relation to nomination:

  • Parochial commitment
  • Employment experience
  • Educational experience
  • Support for the Catholic education system

Commitment to Trust Governance

Governors must be committed to attending half termly meetings (six per a year)

You may also be required to attend infrequent additional meetings and training as necessary. 

Governors usually serve a four-year term.

Training and Guidance

The world of education changes very quickly, from curriculum planning, new Ofsted frameworks to funding and safeguarding responsibilities. Governors in our academies must ensure they understand the mission of Catholic education, the inspection of Catholic schools and for creating and maintaining the Catholic values of the Trust.

All Governors have access to ongoing support, advice and guidance to help them in their roles. Training and development opportunities are offered by the Trust, Diocese, NGA and other training providers. In addition, Governors may request bespoke support and training tailored to suit their needs.


To be eligible for an appointment as a Governor applicants must be over the age of 18.

Details of the qualification and disqualification criteria can be found below.

If this could be you, or someone you know, please do get in touch with Helen Whitaker, Trust Governance Professional to arrange an initial conversation (

Romero Catholic Academy Trust

Romero Catholic Academy is a rapidly growing Catholic Academy Trust covering the schools of the Diocese of Salford in Blackburn with Darwen, Calderdale and Lancashire. We began as a collaboration of six schools that came together to support each other and although we will grow to become one of the largest Trusts in the region, we still uphold the core principles on which we were established.  Our values can be summarised as:

Faith: to nurture our belief in God

Service: to live out the responsibilities of our faith by serving others

Aspiration: to aspire to fulfil the potential of each individual, created uniquely in the image of God

Collaboration: to work collaboratively; sharing and fostering the strengths and expertise of all.

Inspired by our patron, St Oscar Romero, we ‘aspire not to have more, but to be more’, which means our schools are joyful and happy places of learning.

Romero is a dynamic, vibrant and outward facing Catholic Academy Trust that is powered by the remarkably talented people who work in our schools and amazing pupils who we serve and who deserve the very best we can offer.

As we always say, ‘Isn’t it exciting and aren't we lucky?’

We are hugely ambitious for our pupils and have a shared responsibility for all the pupils in our schools.

We believe that all our schools have their own distinct ethos within the shared Catholic values of the Trust, which are valued and celebrated, and for which you will be responsible for creating and maintaining. We are hugely ambitious for our pupils and have a shared responsibility for all the pupils in our schools.